

How in the fuk did you lose on puts this week
Unusual options activity- a lot of puts bought for SPY/QQQ/IWM for Monday
You’re such a breath of fresh air in the chat
Or you start a bunch of funds like auntie Cathie.
Lmao 76% of tax revenue went to pay interest for the month of June apparently. Money printer about to go brrrrrr
Hypothetically, if you had another 20k, what options would you buy?
Dell releases new XPS Inspiration 15 laptop with built in AI capabilities - stock goes up 13%\n\nLaptop is the exact same and takes 30 seconds to load a data heavy spreadsheet
We often ask this, too. Why does homeless and drug or alcohol addiction or hunger fall solely on the ER to provide food or new clothing or shelter on cold or hot days? \n\nVery recently I had a homeless patient who refused to be discharged and essentially said if we discharged him he will kill himself. We all know he’s not actually suicidal… but by saying this, he knows we have to put him on a hold for psych evaluation and placement. This is how bad things get. People feign mental illness or suicidal ideation in order to just get a place to sleep and meal. I don’t know how or who can fix this.
I have zero doubts someone, even your subcontinent, said not to do that. It’s just money. You can recover. Please don’t harm yourself or others. Love ya.
Reading this, makes me even happier about my wealth. Never reached that level of regardation.
Next week big tech earnings could cause a lot of pump (or dump)
Just need ww3 and a collapse of the world financial system to break even on my puts for next week
Open the casino! My overnight positions are marinating.
I hope you don’t have kids. What a stupid idea. Some people have to learn the hard way I guess.
He could have an account that’s approved for margin and be assigned calls that he doesn’t have the money for.\n\nThat would be a huuuuuuuge amount of margin to grant you, but 🤷🏼‍♂️
Imagine loving the bush. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
Game is game
definitely wrong (but I love you and am sending you thoughts and prayers)
This weekend I’ll be doing some practice approaches before next weeks checkride
Weird two choices but okay
They’ve got the beef curtains
You were right. 👏🏼 👏🏼 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
There is not a single profitable trader who does 0dtes\n\n\nSincerely,\n\n\n0dte trader
Almost paralyzed by the number of choices to play next week
Godspeed brother.
Free ice cream on fridays at work 😋
Absolutely. The intrinsic value of one NVDA stock under the Base Case scenario is *81.4813 USD*
AH-64 Apache Diego Garcia
Easy to do tho, I just checked and my broker app will give me $30,000 margin no questions asked.
Thank you 🙏! If Sofi does a pre ER run on Monday which it traditionally does due to FOMO - I may transfer the proceeds to PFE for a real yolo.\n\nThanks for the advice on SBUX I may consider some small calls to hedge a bit. Cheers.
want sum fuk?
Serious question\n\nWhy go all in now if you could have gone all in with 2000 shares a year ago\n\nWhat changed your mind so sharply that *now* is the time to buy\n\nHell 1000 shares 3 months ago would still do you better than now
I watched some of his videos recently. Very smart guy, interesting perspective.\n\nI’ve only been doing this for a few months and feel like a fool for just learning to gauge the RSI of the S&P 500. I was looking at the RSI of specific S&P 500 index funds and not the actual INDEX. Holy hell was it overbought.\n\nWouldn’t surprise me if the RUT experienced a similar correction sometime soon given its RSI. I could be completely wrong and often am.\n\nI think the semiconductor stocks will dip for a while and then support will return closer to earnings season in late August. Lots of volatility and geopolitical complications in that sector right now. They’ll rebound, just not for a while.
Didn't Apple turn the user information spigot off, isn't that what broke Facebook ads on Apple devices?
did anyone of you degens buy dxcm?
What about walking shoes? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
1.21 gigawatts.
You plan on having money?
Damn, do you have nerves of steel or am I too sensitive that it makes me nauseous just reading about the two cases?\n\nDo you not get sick when you look at someone with a horrifying wound, e.g. stabbed in the face? Has it ever prevented you from giving the patient a proper treatment?
I am 70% sure Kimberly Cheatle just handed me my order at Arby's
I see squiggly lines I buy
Yeah great business strategy when shares just hit new ATHs recently
I loaded up on shares today once I saw the earnings report beat estimates and declare dividend. It’s either August 2 or August 5 ExDividend date $.37 paid in September. Also the shares over the past 3-4 years bottom approx in August and Peak in December ( take a look at a 5 year chart. I am in and believe there is a high probability shares rise into ExDividend date and then again toward the end of the year.
Costco roasted turkey breast has to be one of the best deals in terms of $/grams of protein.
That call was a disaster. I’ve owned on and off and am so feckin happy I got out above 120 recently. Mgmt was completely disengenuous about what the fuck is going on with the business. Or, worse, doesn’t really know. Are GLP-1s killin the biz? “We just know that our most loyal / profitable customers have disappeared..” WTF?
Software release follows strict and frequently audited standards. Absolutely can be demonstrated. Had to work on the documentation side of these policies when we were taking a company public. What is wild is that CRWD must have passed and audit sometime recently and still fucked this up.
Why is that illegal?
Next week will decide if I'm buying a new McLaren or a 2006 nissan altima
What happened to Chipotle? It went up 10% right after earnings just to come down below $50 the next day?
quality post op
Woke up sick. Drinking plans off the table. This is my consequence for making 🤏this much money this week instead of losing for a 3rd week straight. Oh and the Clifford is back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
People who gamble for easy money deserve to lose it
I hope so holding some calls for the next two weeks
There's like 11k open interest for 200c's next week \n\n\nThey're worth .01 currently
Fuck this is just sad not even funny anymore
That flat line 😭
I wish a had a milly to gamble ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
15 female next door
TSLA holding that 220 spot biggest ber fuck with another week of burning poots looking for that 200
Bro… you went full regard. Never go full regard. Get out and stay away for now. Come back when you’re a little less regard.
# Over leveraged
Take out more loans and buy puts.
Seriously think it will drop to 80 or 90?
Toilet seat cover with bidet functionality yeah
This week was ROUGH I can’t believe I had to live through that
I had 10 covered calls that were assigned at $12.5\n\n
Things started getting a little shifty when chipotle started deploying “AI” in their restaurants and the stock went up 7% after the news
Yea but quoting "free enterprise" pro-business organizations for research?\n\nCool story bro.\n\nI just gave you a mountain of data contradicting everything you said. Enjoy.
Whistleblowers can’t hear you if you are still stuck in space\n>Boeing exceeds 45 day mission window
I’m guessing above 118 as Jenson and Zuck will be speaking Monday at a convention. Jenson will also give a live interview on Tuesday. He is expected to pump the stock to rescue all of the bag holders he created at 140. You heard it here first.
The green ones are best. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)
nice, I can sell out of the puts I bought because of you
Imagine enjoying weekends
Never in anyone’s life have they seen an outage of this magnitude.\n\nAgreed not going bankrupt, but could be on the hook for significant reparations and legal damages. May even have to raise capital/issue debt if those payments, not to mention legal expenses, are significant. If it causes customer churn, well then shit could get even uglier. \n\nThis didn’t happen to Microsoft, who has a cash horde. It happened to a business with damn near zero net income, ever.
I left because the fees were outrageous, every chance they got they charged me for something, and sometimes the numbers didn't even add up, so I ditched them and went to the company everyone hates instead because now I pay zero fees. Everyone else will follow in due time, so I saw the writing on the wall for Coinbase... and it ain't pretty.
Can’t get just one right ffs.
All that talk for “send me 1k” lol
I'm looking for a 4 bed/3 bath in the suburbs\n\nMy wife and I recycle cardboard boxes and makes shields for LARPers at medieval festivals\n\nOur budget is $3.2 million
I was up on this put 100% for a split second yesterday. Thought about closing. \n\nI have no intention of riding this to expiration. If Nvidia can get within 100 I'll likely sell and put a limit order out there 15% below market for calls. \n\nThat's the plan. \n\nIf Nvidia explodes higher I'm going to close the put at a loss and preserve some of the cost basis. \n\nIs my thinking.
The new 124.44
You must be eating good this weekend, no more saltines?
Bers piss me off😡😡😡
‘It was made by Boeing’
I know CEO came out a day ago tell us that customer were right 10% of the time because only 3500 locations of their chain under serve (but we know it is a lie).\n\nthis posts : [chipotle boycott : r/Chipotle (](\n\nOP said ask for more and they will give more. WHAT ARE WE HOMELESS BEGGING FOR FOOD. Am a paying customer why should i begg them for more food that is rightfully be mine? fuk OP. I dont ask for more food same reason i don't ask for money on the street corner. I work for my money and when i paid, i need to be serve what I owe. OP need to STFU and go back to the kitchen and work harder
Okay, are your products SOC2 compliant? Are you selling to government agencies?\n\nIf so, you would know about everything I just said.
Only pussies give up
Well yea eating nothing but Pacqui chips for a month straight is better than starving but I'll be malnourished and bleeding out my asshole constantly.
Lemme ask u why u have calls for August 16. When nvda earnings is on the 28th?
Not looking good atm. It only closed up .78 today. Before it would have been up easily $3 - $5 on a day like today.
Probably a flat 114 so nobody wins
if he would have won, he would have a gambling solution, not a gambling problem...
Or fcc approval. That one is looming somewhere. Also ceo is speaking next week at a major conference
You will be back at your feet do not feel guilty about it this lesson is more valuable than any master degree 👍🏻 be positive you will gain everything back
Some people are fools… I.e you OP. I don’t ever use a certain amount of money that can hurt me. If I had 30k? The most I would probably use is 10k. The problem is some of yall are trying to go BIG or go BROKE! Guess what you have a better chance of doing with that idiotic mindset??? GOING BROKE!
Something ain't making sense. 3.97 average cost * 347% gain is $14.84 not $7....
My friend…… I will never understand people like you. You’re a special breed. \n\nBest of luck to you.
Even if it's sideways for 2 weeks lol
Bro how have you not kept buying?! Bought at 2 and all the way to 10 so far. Gonna buy until 100
Bros off that baby gronk no c
Wrong again dickweed. I vote blue.
Don’t worry, your money is in better hands now🙌
This is very low effort DD
Paris is a dump
Wrong forum to ask
Tf is a total washlet? Is it like a bidet or?
I made a solid $30 0DTE selling covered calls. #ThugLife
I’ll take “I bet he’ll do it again” for $500, Alex
You mention wanting to “build an aggressive position” but in what fund? $SMH?
I also wake up with panic attacks at 9:30 on the weekends
That's an epic play. Bought calls at the top. If it was puts would have made a lot. Don't worry most trader lose money anyway
This guy health's
Will nvda be under $110 next week or above $118![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
I just got into RKLB a few weeks ago. Put some coin in a few other space stocks too, including ASTS, Redwire and MDA Space. Exciting future ahead!
Google can fuck themselves . From now on I’m back to Altavista
More like since he decided to take a month long dump on investors.
Grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner tonight, men![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
Amazon $200 by August 3rd.
Worst case for buyer is options become worthless, kind of hard to imagine how it becomes money due. Got be selling naked options.
I'm currently a bull but I would be a liar if I said there was no similarity of now and the dot com bubble in the market. No profit? No problem, we have AI AI AI. No sales, no revenue? Just talk about AI. Priced at forward P/E of 30? Because... AI! DELL overpriced? They just released a brand new \*celeron\* laptop that is AI-powered (can't even run chrome without lagging)
Lmao I have a feeling Kamala is the one who'll get clowned.
Yea cause fixed and 99% success rate. Or maybe it’s 96 but whatever it’s high. Not worried. I’m super long on ASTS.
Also debating on going into a long NVDA position, maybe like some September call debit spreads. Idk though, it’s in a weird spot rn
So traumatized this week that even with knowing market is closed tomorrow I'm still scared.  I have self diagnosed myself with phantom market open syndrome
The cool thing about rock bottom is that you can only go up from there.
Did you hear a bell? It's not over until every cent is gone.
I’ll even take a little tiny NVDA pump next week. I don’t want to lose her guys ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
This stock isn’t stopping huh.. another big gain today
You’re in a good trade, just don’t let a win become a loss (which you already know) and you’re in a great spot. I’m personally trying to figure out WHY they move prices. If I can figure out why, then I have my edge and it’s time to make a move. That’s why I’ll be betting against your position next week through qqq lol, but don’t let me talk you out of it! I might be overthinking it, I’m going for a pretty big home run putting my money back into a topside move after the last 2 weeks of bleeding
I say this with love and respect:\n\nMy brother in Christ STOP FUCKING GAMBLING
You just need an actual strategy and a different mindset. Paper trade for awhile and develop good habits, and you should end up with a healthier outcome. If you feel you have some sort of impulse control problem or issue with a gambling mindset, look into ways to change that before using real money again.
Exhibit A: a really regarded regard
The application drop box awaits you my friend\n\nGod speed 🫡
NVDA down 20% since Jensen signed her tits.
0dte options arent meant to be part of a portfolio. they are meant to extract money from gambling addicts lol.
Yeah I basically traded in and out of SPX puts and sold a lot of NDX puts near the bottoms almost every day. Premium is pretty juicy now with the elevated VIX. I’m liking this for now. I really have no handle on earnings next week though. Probably just take it day by day. Glad you printed homie ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
People remember what I did here. Or lol at me
Unscientific survey: for folks out there who profitably trade 0DTEs, do you think there are contracts with a superior risk-return than .20-.30 delta options?
Charlotte girls are much better than Orlando girl.
Holy shit, Hertz is still around?? Puts
Blackrock allegedly shorted a Trump stock prior to the incident in PA. They lost millions but were allowed to give it back with no repercussions. Wish that worked for you and me.
Holding till 2027 for that 625 price target
I always leave the comment on my order “ Nice full bowl” so they know what they have to do to get 5 stars
no need to read the article - the man in the picture is wearing a mask, that means I'm supposed to think, "bearish".
Lmao got same one, best purchase ever
New task, grow that 835 all the way to 22k.
No, options are what you spend cash on.
Hard to tell from that photo if OP sold puts or bought calls…
Well better to have law enforcement than not lmfao
Fox can't imagine a woman getting to a high level without sexual favors because that's how they hire their female anchors, so they assume that's how it is in every business or office
I made bank on puts last week and this, and yesterday today I sold 0dte spx puts and made out like a bandit on those as well. hoping for SPX 5500-5550 next week but with big earnings, a upset could just as easily take us 5300. \n\n\nYou had a good week as well?
Number 1 rule : No risk no gain.\n\nNumber 2 rule : Easy come easy go.
Bad ideas work all the time. That doesn't make them good ideas.
ChatGPT is that you again!?
You could always buy some now so you don't fomo or average down if it drops. I don't think it will be heading lower anytime soon, at least not for very long.
Lotta bears out here. Did you forget to cap the honey jar again?
Is this earning this week? Its not irrational. Market overall are very timid and not a single stock survive the drop.\n\nTsla and google have more earnings compared to previous one, still crash.\n\nI had a Logi position, 15% revenue increases, good guidance, still crash.\n\nThis just the rotation, and you're just in the middle of the wrong one
ya right
Unreal explanation, thanks man
See u Monday morning
She-lon Musk, make it happen\n\n
Prepare for the most profitable 2 weeks of your life.
How many Tesla options did you buy?
They should do this to Hindenburg "Research" as well!
42 Gay Frog
The buyer always has the option to not exercise if I get it correctly, but not the seller. People who buy that puts will be pretty damn happy to sell those shares at a higher price. I just cannot image how broker can make them stop exercise. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
As he storms out of the Chipotle into his Lamborghini. \n\n\nWhat a Richard Cranium
Your lucky it's not that much money. You will be fine
Scary, honestly. Shady asf
Who’s the guy advising you not to trade on Friday? Hallo?!?
Bought a Toto Washlet. Literally feel like Randy from South Park when he discovered Japanese toilets
DD or sales pitch to 💼 holders
You sure it was Dr office and not dumpster behind wendys?
Why do people give a shit if people give a shit that someone’s phone is charged?\n\nIt’s autism+the internet (always has been.gif)
Sometimes I wish people would just give me money
LOL . I'll check back in on you in a month or two.
It's almost 2025 dude, gay is just a word. Squirrel gotta get a nut, amirite?
Fact: 60% are lesbians
are they waving white flags?
It'll be word salad versus word salad. Everyone just picks which dressing they like best.
Yo mommy
I bought some around $10.90. How are you still feeling?
"Laughin Kamala" is so damn weak...what happened to the 🥭?
I suppose he means the percentage by which SPY price has fallen (i.e. the percentage amount that was withdrawn by people). But then the chart should be upside down since negative % drawdown actually means depositing money (it's like saying e.g. I lost -5%, which is a double negative and pedantically it means I gained 5%)
That’s nothing
I swear to god cops attract the worst and power-hungry fucking human beings.\n\nTypically shit nuggets as kids and teenagers but too stupid to do anything else.
I'm a humble trader. Any trade I can get out of for break even or decent gain and I'm happy. I learned to take a loss and walk away too and run at the first sign of trouble or double down if the conviction is high. \n\nI tried daytrading over a decade ago and I blew up my account within a few months. I learned a lot and only thing I touch now are big macro trades/ideas. I prefer calls that have 500 dte or more and hope it works out half as well as I expect. \n\nThose day trading days of mine really imprinted the wackiness of American markets. \n\nAnd today its even crazier with wide adoption from retail and ever better quants and high frequency trading computers.
Shorting is an absolute necessity in the market.\n\nImagine I own and it's valued at 20 billion, and in reality it has 2 employees and 50 cents down the sofa. \n\nShorting it is the perfect way to expose how dogshit it is. Look at all the absolute fucking garbage like ride and xpeng that had insane valuations and prices.\n\nthis is the shit shorting is designed for.\n\nthe real change needs to be those who are making public statements, shouldnt be allowed to hold positions in those companies. if they short it, they stay quiet. \n\nif you dont have shorting, you'll have a huge influx of dogshit companies trading way above what they're actually worth.
I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-10-04 22:11:25 UTC**]( to remind you of [**this link**](\n\n[**CLICK THIS LINK**]( to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.\n\n^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](\n\n*****\n\n|[^(Info)](|[^(Custom)](|[^(Your Reminders)](|[^(Feedback)](|\n|-|-|-|-|
Hell yeah brother, I was lurking. You print on puts this last week? Had a pretty good week
You’re done gambling? Good idea.
Next week should be another wild one 🤠
I see you Nancy…
Chip and a chair
MUH FUCKN BOY!!! I got worried about you ngl.
Laughed out loud and woke up my newborn son, cheers.
!remindme 10 weeks
Less portions = more profits\n\nContinue screwing people over. I just won’t buy food from them. Get calls instead
At this rate playing blackjack online is better
20% chance of rain this weekend. \n\nOh I used to know this one guy, we called him necklace cuz he didn't have no neck cuz of the tism...
Losing 20K on crypto doesn’t hurt so bad now
Kamala coherent...? Have you not listened to her talk?? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
How much Human Time does Meta control, influence, facilitate, replace.
As someone whose main income comes from post natural disaster recovery, this fire in cali has my nipples so hard rn
Way to win voters hearts\n\nGet cmg bowls to $6 again, 12 pack of beer to $8.
Had to double check the subreddit 3 times while I read this. Not sure you belong Here doc
$16 million (Thats like a fine of less than a days worth of work)\n\n
Corolla >>> Lambo
Stryker and Mo calls, UNH and Cvna puts
Some would say our destiny
My son was killed by the woke mind virus \n \nElon is annoying but this shit cracks me up every time
You said you were 33 in a post a few days ago ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
my area is all Teslas and Trucks now. I'd rather drive a Corolla.
Better build quality still
This is great news tbh, but the real endgame is when pelosi gets taken down.\n\nAka never.
*hint* It’s been shitty for about 10 years and the stock keeps performing well the Dungeons and dragons on this post is well played
An incidentally what made them such a cult classic is the fact that they used to literally give you monster size bowls \n\nI don't know which consultancy told them skimp on portions you have a moat
Mouths in play. Hers as well as yours.
Could have taken all that money and bought a security. Then, leave the principle and only use the gains to play with options. But for the most part, you can’t make a killing with options.
Why are you ghey
They are running kernel level code. No way this gets missed in a testing lab where the version they were updating didn’t experience it. There was a huge miss here. Bugs definitely get released. This was much worse than that. They rushed it to prod and messed up. Also, it’s sounds like your company sucks.
Right.. I'd rather just gamble the crypto on Stake at that point
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 4 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago\n**Total Comments** | 37 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 6 years | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
What is ittttt
Robinhood encourages it.
They’ve never made a single mistake.
I got a good one by me. never been skimped, sometimes I even think that's a bit too much. but i'd obviously never say it. cuz im fat. maybe that's why they never skimp.
Buys 3m of Facebook ads and buys puts on Facebook based on a hunch. All regards salute you.
Call her an Uber
I wanted to buy a Model S but since Elon has offended me I will keep my 1998 Corolla.
Where is AMC??
I mean, any hole's the goal. \n\nIs the mouth still in play as well?
I feel ya man
Motley fool forget nvda this AI company is better\n\nAlibaba ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Did, CMG puts did great and currently holding both sbux and mcd puts
I can know more and still be wrong lol, don’t sell your own thesis short. I lost money today, you didn’t. And you’re right, it is an unregulated casino, that’s why “they” can move the price where they want to. I’m just explaining why I think they’re moving the price down so violently, trying to predict the future lol. That’s why I didn’t tell you that you’re wrong, just to be cautious at this spot on the chart(s)
I’m just glad I got one of the good ones near me frfr
Honestly bro. I'm addicted to this shit.
He would be an 'investor.'
100% this. \n$CVNA will surpass $NVDA in market cap by 2026!
"Andrew left went from being worth over $100 million, to earning $4/day in a factory" would be *chefs kiss*\n\nI'll have to look into that company though, I hadn't heard of the company before. Prisons being for profit is messed up though. There's a good reason the vulnerable and lower socio-economic/economic groups of people go to jail, and not billionaires
even if you arn't currently option trading this place is basically entertainment to read the unhinged posts.
Funny cause as I get older and older I find myself relying less on a type. I’ve dated all sorts of chicks now from different countries and its so much fun. I guess Latin women like Sophia Vergara are pretty hard to then down idk now
You should give index fund etfs a try
Shares? Shares? What is shares?
Cheers for providing liquidity mate
Cute cmg CEO said 1/10 locations are skimping\n\n\nIt's like 7/10 but sure.
Ty!\\nIt's actually easier to be ahead when you can afford closer to itm options, I've found.
GM is dying, they may never be able to transition to EVs. Same with Ford, Stellantis etc.\n\nThis will become more and more obvious as people start gravitating towards EVs more and more.\n\nTesla is literally just being born. Literally no one buys a gas car after owning a Tesla. people re-buy another Tesla more times than any other brand.\n\nVery big difference.
All about momentum, fomo, retail and the mega banks. \n\n50 billion traded everyday in this ticker. Retail doesn't have that kind of money... do they?
Does no one remember Anchorman? Or thought of googling Brian Fantana?
examples ? because i've only ever been banned there for very minor things.
bro sell as soon as possible. It won't go up. I repeat it won't go up.
That’s literally how slavery was created in Ancient Greece. From not being able to cancel your debts.\n\nEdit: Don’t get me wrong. I’d be pissed off if I bought some bonds and they wouldn’t be paid back to me. But that’s what happens. Companies issue bonds even when their financial situation is terrible. Here, nobody goes crazy about the situation in which the company can issue debt. Investors, in this case, just require higher rates of return. Why should it be different for individuals? You’re getting brainwashed by corporations and you don’t even know about this
Taking a break from trading for 2 weeks. Letting my stocks only portfolio do what it's gonna do.
Lol, our local weather guy looks and sounds like Theo Vonn, just country as fuck
>Canadian women have 3 partners before their even off to college, where it can easily reach 8-10 by the time their done studying.\n\nlmao I wouldn't value my partner as much if I'd had 10 other girlfriends before her. I wouldn't want to be the n-teenth guy for her either\n\n>My point wasn't to bash on Canadian women, their great, I just wanted to celebrate las españolas cuz their beauty and grace really impressed me!\n\nYeah I get it, I was just curious about the sharp contrast, even though we all consume the American culture in some ways through globalization\n\nYou should also see Slavic women. They're great ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)
Ha. Those idiots think that’s an insult?
I’m just curious about the fourth bullet point , is that a typo or do you think growth is going to be both slow yet much more explosive ? I guess things can explode slowly , but it feels like you meant to say much less explosive ?
You know a lot more than me. But as a layman my gut feeling is the entire market is an unregulated casino where any sector or ticker can be manipulated up/down at will (more or less).
Something that's always bugged me - what's the diagnosis if you get a patient coming in with a bunch of records from different psych walk-ins who says, "I've got Munchausen's" ?
I did the same. 20k left on loan.
Worst case scenario you could sell covered calls.\n\nSmart to go with shares.
she's a mod at /r/bigclit
Oh no! Guac Tuah, but now in a very bad way 😞 Thanks for updating us though man, I was excited to see you win big.
U making out with a chick u just met. She hot as hell, great ass, great tits, a face and a smile to die for. All is going well, u both unzip. Now, u see she got a 🍆, she says u can use the 🍑. She's completely shaven, but obv u can see the 🏀🏀. What do u do?
Oh my gourd! \n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Did that 3 years ago lost it all finally paid it off this year. Actually tried to do it again yesterday thru my cc company and they denied me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
That lender just secured a 45k loss
If you could reverse time, wouldn't you just make better plays?
Trump should debate Kamala\n\nHe would get absolutely clowned. It was all fun and games “debating” grandpa Joe who doesn’t know where he is half the time but totally different when it’s someone coherent lmao
META calls, MSFT calls, AMD puts, AMZN puts
Even if you intentionally take out debt knowing you will file for bankruptcy? You think that’s ok? Slavery? Really?
Lotta ber or capitulating bool prolly lost their whole ports today. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
I kno ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
Congrats. I could never tolerate swings like that.
You know what they say \n\n“Hope in one hand and shit in the other. Tell me which one fills up first” \n\nI look forward to the loss porn
Bout 15k
Sleepiest? Is that you?
For every 10 of you, there are 16 of us.
Hasn’t made sense in a long time.
My car drives me everywhere I want to go using Elon hype\n\nNHTSA actually said "Elon Hype" is why Tesla's 4 cars scored higher for safety than any other cars in their classes' history\n\nThe dude will never accomplish anything, right??
Last two weeks I went from $2400 down to $30 back up to $200, let’s see if I can climb back up to $200 Spy puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Last time Apple pushed Share Buyback up to $110B. Let's hope MSFT will do something similar ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
Those opening ceremonies are the Frenchest shit ever
Is asts a meme stock now?!
nah we hit weekly 20 moving average, now we go back up again to new ath‘s
Will do gay acts for cash/fd's
Who's your idea of a perfect 10? For me it's Vladislava Galagan 😍
Nah I'm just chilling buying cheaper space stocks. ASTS is too expensive
Someone actually researched. Imagine that
I put 10k each on QQQ and SPY \~3months ago, got to about $400 profit on each, and then the pullback happened... I sold for even and made $0 on that in 3 months. This morning I bought 5k in QQQ puts and made 3k in an hour ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
That’s just data. You could say the exact same for the OPM breach but can’t sue the Federal Government. This not only affected flights but also hospitals where surgeries were cancelled. I think OP’s $5 billion figure is off by several hundred. But what do I know, the dust is still settling.
Last week: down 22k\n\nThis week: up 59k\n\nTime for hookers and blow
It’s going lower
I believe there is a falling wedge for SPY in 5 mins chart, so it should be increasing next week. So we should have got it at the bottom already, unless we have bad news in the weekend.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 11 months ago\n**Total Comments** | 4 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 11 months | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
I did. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)
I must be blind af bc I couldn't see the expected approval date.
To practice interpretive dance as you swat them away
It sounds like you are going thru it right now and you got every right to feel how you are feeling. However it seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel and a very valuable lesson you have learned. \n\nPpl really have to stop this beating ppl down when they lose or doing bad truly sad how I see ppl comment things that are obvious and hurtful. What can he really do after this L besides ppl being more empathetic to him. The loss is already a loss. What the point of beating someone down when they are here for some comfort
might as well just get all of genz to vote for her.
damn! It took a loss of $360 for me to never touch short term options ever again. \n\n \nHow did it escalate so quickly for you? the beginning looked slow and steady
Build back better
Necro thread but it's still a good idea.. However, 200$ isn't likely. 100-150 is given a moderate 4% interest rate target and etf price decay.
At expiration right? The max profit I mean.
Ya idk, it pumped 1$ rite after I bought every so will see where it goes. Already itm
“Inching closer to positive numbers” is just a not so clever way of stating they’re still negative
But I thought we all came here for the loses? Why is my account always red if not for that reason? 😂
See you on Monday
spy 570 end of week?
Dis going to rocket back to $120 in a fucking blur 🙏🇺🇸
You're just a trump dick sucking sociopath.
CELH calls ftw
I bought puts so hulk dongs are undoubtedly on the menu
So you would always divide the number of shares you have by 100 to figure out the number of put options to buy?
Still holding my amd calls that I bought yesterday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637) hoping for a run up into earnings
Was just a few months ago it was at that price. It’s a crazy valuation now and not based on earnings
Old people love to talk 🤷‍♂️
ohhh Bruuuh 💀
Thanks Dad!
Back in the day, I used to create campaigns for $0.50 max spend. It caused the algorithm to give you a really strong response, so you’ll be tempted to dump more money. I got 200 impressions and five sales from a $0.50 ad campaign, but only 220-400 impressions from a $5.00 max spend, and no more sales. I even went wild and spent $50 and an identical ad campaign with 100x budget did as bad or worse than the $0.50 budget. Meta ad network made no sense to me unless it’s serving bots and the lower priced campaigns only show to valid humans to get you excited.
The chipotle near me is always out of fajita.
When you're in a hole, stop digging.\n\nAlso, look into some therapy for your gambling addiction.
I know everyone bussy is battered and bruised from this week, but I’m here to tell you that next week probably gonna be even crazier. Let’s rise like the phoenix through the gaped anoos
Only if he had access to mega-desk
i remember when you posted that dick pic. i had never seen an innie until then
True regard, nO PlAy OpTIons ANyMore...
Brought 1 leap contract, down 15% haha
Never felt so good about swinging puts
It's ok to take risks. Without it you won't be successful. It is hard to make money with options unless you have lots of money and patience. The wealthy do it but buy very long term and in the money. Buying short-term and near or out the money is not advised and even the rich don't do that. If you have to, buy both calls and puts; never assume it will go in one direction.
Something about shipping I recognize the name from eBay labels lol
what % of your patients are active in wsb?
Thank you for what you do!!! Not all heroes wear capes. You guys have saved me more than once.
This guy would bet it all on 00 and 0 would hit
that's actually their only reason for existing. a lot of people think they fill a vital role in the ecosystem but it's actually just to piss you off
Checking deposits which are usually not for investment, pay no interest, just for paying bills, making ends meet. Has SOARED:\n\n
You regards made me roll a CC out a couple weeks to absorb this spike
People with no faith in MCD deserve a life in Wendy’s
Hope you don’t end up on the streets and got family who can help you out of this. This is legit sad to read.
But then what if those 200k shares are just a hedge against a bigger put?
Bruuuh that's what am saying, they look like women but they got a dick that's why they sound like dudes bruuuh 💀
Was /r/worldnews always so racist? I’m constantly shocked by the comments there. And when did Canada turn into 1960s Alabama? VNQI shares?
There are two schools of thought on this
You are. Stop.
**I hope you feel better now.** \n\n
But it does beg the question: where is the line?\n\nThe markets a mess. What citron did is no different than two "separate" entities being a hedge fund and a market maker (both happen to be run by the same person) .. Itd be silly to think they don't collude and share info on moves in their umbrella of companies \n\nIn this case, the SEC is aledging that hedge funds and investors collude with citron for financial gain. For some reason they aren't being sued? Makes no sense\n\nCouldn't investors like us file a class action suit? We've all no doubt lost money due to these practices. They're rigging the price and movement point blank. Basically insider trading, although not under the definition that stands\n\nI mean, imagine if you could call a hundred millionaire and ask them what price action is coming up due to manipulation?
75k invested in the S&P would be about $1.3M in 30 years. Just stick to index funds
Petition to make day trading a new Olympic sport
60% of the time they turn a 10? That some funny deck you’re dealing there.
👀👀👀 I’ll take a look friendo
Are you betting or investing? Big difference.
For every guy who did a 100x on NVDA and is retired…… you’ve got a bunch of these. \n\nF
Lmao what\n\nSomeone spiked the punch at Fox HQ \n\nFunny how she caught them off guard by joining prez race and still don’t know what to attack her on
Wow, listen pal, major PROPS to you. You were 100% right here. Nice call and incredible play.
Oh my gourd! \n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Totally regarded In Their own special way
Sorry bro. I too had 15k and got it up to 35k in 6 months. I lost it all within a couple months. This was about 5 years ago. Since they all I did was focus on maxing out my 401 and now I have over 500k. Having a work 401k works for me since I can't take it out.
I saw a few people yolo into pbi, so in true wsb fashion bought 1000 shares, and 10 contracts 7c for jan 25. No idea what the company even does lol
Ok buddy.
I literally laughed at the taking out a loan part.. what the actual fuck.
time to get off reddit and find a few jobs
like trading with unsettled cash then they find there isn’t enough bp to cover the trade. Didn’t check in details tho
Networth (after debt equity) has skyrocketed as well:\n\n
Everyone is all in on this, we will be the cause of inflation lol
Yea that might have been a bad choice of words. I’m talking to the people who keep spamming “ASTS🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀” but don’t have anything of value to add
my condolences
Doordash puts (restaurants struggling,delivery is struggling on steroids) some places have more doordashers than customers 🤣
how about u eat my ASS\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Then short it
Fox News called Kamala the original Hawk Tuah girl ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) makes me want to vote for her more
Dude is your post real. Did you actually throw half a mil on a play.
Here's data showing minorities, disabled, poorest doing fantastic.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[Paul Krugman, the rich don't spend like you and me.](
Not quite, i mean that qqq (and to a lesser extent spy) as well as many tech/chip stocks have been consistently beaten down for 2 weeks in unusually violent moves, and it’s happening with speed. Which tells me it’s not a crash, but a very fast repositioning by institutions that are anticipating something. And imo that something is earnings/rate cuts. Prices were too high to profit correctly off of appropriate moves from those potential catalysts so they needed to bring the price down to a spot where they want to accumulate shares again for a run back up. They didn’t want to keep accumulating at the top because that lowers the room to run. Now that they’ve brought it down significantly it has a clear top with upside gaps to progress back through with good news and can justify whatever new high or double top is created. This is all anticipatory of good news believe it or not. They just want to catch the good news at a cheaper price point. I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s what I believe is happening. There are massive dark pool sell prints for qqq from 490-500 being added every day this week accounting for milllllions of dollars. Those sell prints are there because the price needs to go back to them so they can actually sell at those prices. Believe it or not those sell prints are bullish lol
600k of puts for hedging? Is he Jensen? He sold shares to buy put? Lol
pretty much - it was also a 'content update' i.e. malware definitions. fast deploying content updates is unfortunately too common so you can't prove a significant deviation from industry standards
Some of us a smooth brain regards. Can you specify what you mean by drawdown (the term itself is somewhat self explanatory, but the devil is often in the details).\n\n \nIntuitively I feel like the AI bubble is very similar to the dot com bubble of the late 90s, in that they are both based on very real world changing technologies, but without hindsight it's impossible to know what will stick, what won't, and how to realistically capitalize on the technology; not to mention the necessary infrastructure and societal changes needed to actually realize the impact of said tech. If we assume there is an AI tech bubble that will behave similarly to the dot com bubble of the late 90s, what does your graph predict in terms of investment strategy?
Options trading is not a joke, Jim, millions of people suffer every year!!
For the love of good pls stop gambling with options
Here's real personal income:\n\n\n\nWages of the lowest decile and poorest:\n\n
They really should follow AAPL strat and get on the A.I. bandwagon. A.I. chips are the future.
im seriously addicted and i fear that i‘m going to ruin my family\n\nyou guys are the only one that know it
For some species of animals it's like little flying cheeseburgers just darting around... imagine
dont shoot the messenger, regards. ive been in here telling you to quit fucking with meme stocks and buy bitcoin for months
Charge them with what
Canadian women are very much like American women, very individualistic, independent, etc. which is good, some men are into that, but imo it kills the romance like u said. 1-3 partners in ur life? Hahaha, Canadian women have 3 partners before their even off to college, where it can easily reach 8-10 by the time their done studying. \n\nMy point wasn't to bash on Canadian women, their great, I just wanted to celebrate las españolas cuz their beauty and grace really impressed me!
yeah but it's been like that since before Covid, so that's no excuse why other animated movies couldn't do it.
😂 sorry thought it was obvious. No creepin here though
I unironically remember you and I must say, you madam have 0 balls unless you sold everything for MMM FDs today
My grandfather always told me to never invest more than what you're afraid to lose. Expect the worst but hope for the best.
Who's got MCD calls for er? You win
What you read a sentence. I said it is. But I am saying there are hundreds of posts are the same as this yet won, and the comments are completely different.
alternate universe you is ballin (ohh well)
To teach people how awesome the great indoors is
The floor and the ceiling are man-made
Thanks for making me feel better about my own investment losses.\n\nWish you the best in (hopefully) your efforts to pay back the loan. Or whatever development as long as it’s a positive one.
seriously. stop talking to dudes Bruuuh 💀
This should be a GOOD lesson for ALL OF US. Also, helps people right now whos trading option and soon to start options. Learn from his mistakes and dont go FULL port.\n\nInstead of making fun for Ops post we are making fun of it and not realizing that hes traying to tell us something.
I heard the Doctor say "where does this go?"....
I was like how the fuck at first and then 😂😂
Being a bear is fun, watching the potential demise or drop of a stock is so fulfilling
Unwilling to do basic research, gtfo LOL. I have done so, so much more research than you. If you look through my history I have done nothing but provide data to you conspiracy idiots.
Just curious, how old are you and how did you get an idea a $45k loan to bust on options is a good idea?
Tradestation \n\nBased in Florida (love it)
One day all the comments on this thread will have been said already. What year is that comment below
Basically the same thing as PDT but with another name, and why cash accounts under 25k are a dumb idea.
Reddit (the company, not r/WallStreetBets, the subreddit) has banned Seeking Alpha articles everywhere on Reddit.\n\nTo get around this, please repost your comment/thread with the link removed, and the relevant parts of the article copy and pasted. \n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
He'd bet on every single earnings beet. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
Tell me what you’ve been doing, because I want to do the opposite
What the actual fuck is the point of gnats other than making me want to set myself on fire
Buying a put 🫡 sold advice. \n\n440p 8 days out.
I declare.... BANKRUPTY!!!!
That’s a ridiculous question.
seriously, isn't it the best time to buy? It always gaped up so much. Generational wealth about to be made
Yeah that’s how much they are in NYC at least
I’m only saying this once. This is my new account. I’m a prominent figure on this sophisticated investing forum. My old account got permabanned for making a tranny joke cause someone here has ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)
What software is this?
Both 🐻 and 🐂 claim victory this week but most of them make little money
I am a SWE at a faang company and production breaking code gets shipped literally every single day, and rarely gets caught until it hits production. What fairyland do you work at where this doesn’t happen frequently?\n\nThe only thing that surprised me is that people think crowdstrike will actually pay out here. I feel like there is a whole “internet down today” a couple times a year whether it be AWS, Cloudfare, Crowdstrike, whatever. No one ever pays out.
@OP how much do you make on your real job?
This stock will be over $100 in 4-5 years. You're welcome.
rule number one, friend.\n\ntaking out loans for investment, especially options, is pretty regarded. \n\nbest of luck, future wendy's assistant manager.
Noone tell him
“Lost every single dollar I had to my name” \nBitch I see $800 cash, just double it a couple times
Question, what kind of bear is best?
Welcome back, regard. Do better this time.
How would you treat a WSB user who just recently lost 45k?? 😉
This stock is cursed...\n\nIt's impossible for this stock not to be manipulated.... I made some trades (puts) and watched the stock book.\n\nIt is clearly manipulated. Watch it and you know what I mean.
Next support is at 516-523 if it makes a clear break under 542
Just thought I'd check in on you man. You felt the fomo yet?
Remember friend. It's _only money._ You can and will make it all back. I know you are devastated rn but don't lose sight of the big picture.\n\nMake it your goal to rise above this, stop gambling and consider this an incredibly expensive life lesson.\n\nYou aren't done. You're just getting started.
Lies Fridays all drinks are 25% off
Have some free $ROPE shares
Yes they have you uneducated buffoon. This is REAL inflation adjusted:\n\n
Debating if I buy now (I know I'm late to the early party) or wait to see what happens in Sep with the launch.
Are we meant to feel sorry for people like this?
Update? When did sell ?\nDid you puss out at 542, or hold till 545
stop stalking me bro. i was just bored
I was just at a chipotle restaurant in Victoria today and I’ve never had such bad service. The owner or manager was beyond rude. Don’t eat at Victoria location on Douglas st .
Just a shirt and sandals. Everything else had to come completely off.
Would Dwight Schrute be the best options trader? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
Yeah it makes people feel safer that he's playing the long game and holds a stock for a while. When he announces he sold, the stock usually dips because he's pretty good at selling at the multi-year peak on most of his stuff. And when he announces a massive buy of millions, people get interested in that stock
Good luck on your play
Ship could be sinking - hopefully Powell can save us next weekn
Worse thing that can happen is quitting. It's not over until you quit. Most gamblers quit RIGHT before they win big
Exotic, adjective: \n\nLatin (exos; “outside”) via the Ancient Greek word (exotikos: “foreign”)\n\nsynonyms: foreign, non-native, far off, distant, remote \n\nFor most Americans, Eastern Europe is foreign, non-native, far off, distant, and remote.\n\nI understand there is a correct (and much more colloquial) usage for exotic to mean “tropical”, such as exotic rainforest birds, but this is not the exclusive meaning of the word.\n\nAnything that is not from where you are from is exotic. Arabian coffee beans? Exotic. Norwegian smoked salmon? Exotic. French wines? Exotic. Because they come from some place far away, despite the fact that none of these locations are in tropical climates.
542 at the moment I could’ve told you that spy was gonna be here a week ago if the market made any fucking sense but it doesn’t
I've always said I wish we were more like third world countries, or not... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
20$ per person?
looks like its joever for the us economy then
Is that from Inside Out 2?
He told that to guys that paid $100,000 to get a picture with him. Guy knows how to play his audience
Whatre you wearing
Just put the fries in the bag bro
yeah, prob way less hormones and weird shit in their food. The only thing I really hated about there (even more so in Paris) was that so many people smoke. Which isn't the end of the world - Live and let live. \n\nThe problem is that you can do it on restaurant patios. Almost every time I was eating dinner, people sitting 2 feet away would finish their meals and just fire up cigarettes and start puffing away. Ruins the meal. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
Yeah whatever dude, can't you hear over this V12
Just paid $7 for a cup of ice, syrup, and water for ... \n\nSBUX calls it is..earning next week
Here you go right wing conspiracy nutjob.\n\n\n\nJobless claims at record lows.
Thank you for the real comment, this is likely the darkest moment in OPs life and it’s important to remember that there is hope. It will take time and effort, but people have recovered from this, and worse. Big hugs OP. You can do this.
Very well regarded
Why do people give a shit if someone’s phone is charged or not
Nope, can't see it.
Great job, kid! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
This looks like a newbie question or a really vague question about a ticker. Try lurking a bit or asking the Daily Thread.\n\n^I ^am ^an ^LLM-powered ^bot. ^Please ^contact ^the ^moderators ^with ^concerns.
Or the driver has been eating your food…just saying
Fuck I’m gonna be so bored now
1 option contract is equivalent to 100 shares.
Can anyone see this
hmm interesting. What are Canadian women like in private? Do they behave in a feminine way (e.g. take care of the household, are a little submissive, are more family oriented) or do they act like you're supposed to entertain them while they don't even want to lift a finger?\n\nIn general I think European women are more family oriented while in America (from what I've read; I don't know much about Canada) the party culture makes them a little narcissistic and the romanticism dies out.\n\nOver here it's usual to have 1-3 partners in your life (that is, you aren't looking for random hook-ups or dozens of first dates with people met on tinder); girls would very happily marry their first boyfriend if he was a good guy (many wait till their mid twenties for the perfect one)
Sorry to see that. However, this will make an even better comeback story. don't give up
why do ppl sell or make puts? stock only go up
Well, it went red instead of green.
That's fking stupid, I get that it's good for crypto bros, but that's really stupid. What's more insane is that the chance of it happening is there ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
No stopping ASTS. Sound and LODE are on the launchpad
looks like someone new he had dementia before you did
This looks like a newbie question or a really vague question about a ticker. Try lurking a bit or asking the Daily Thread.\n\n^I ^am ^an ^LLM-powered ^bot. ^Please ^contact ^the ^moderators ^with ^concerns.
Do it again
Gotta feed the beast
It’s a very simple paradigm: don’t put all your money in one basket, and don’t gamble with scared money. Yes, you’re gambling.
Yeah if i lose thousands of dollars I'm stopping what I'm doing and hiring a professional
Bullish af
So, they started with negative EPS? So, where are they now, may I dare to presume they are still with negative EPS?
Think about it positively, someone gained 75k thanks to you!
wtf does this even mean?!
Why are the US healtcare and social service systems like this? Like, you don't refuse people treatment, but you have to be destitute and homeless with no other options first. They can't get food and water from social services, so peole that are providing these services are freaking ER doctors, because I'm sure that's what you went to medical school for and have nothing better to do. \n\nIt's a rhetorical question, but my god this inefficiency is criminal.
Family movies are also just a safer play right now. Parents don’t want to hire a sitter to go out and watch a movie, especially when movies come to streaming services so soon after release. Kinda sucks I’m feening for a good movies myself. Dune 2 gave me hope
conservative talk radio is basically a drug he's probably jerking off to it while he self asphyxiates
Oh my gourd! \n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
i hope you're right, otherwise i'm broke
Hes too stupid to find the dekete account button!
Oh yeah no I bounce them on ground and move like that so its not that big of a problem
I bought $65 PayPal leaps in January and I’m down bigly BECAUSE THE STOCK WONT FUCKING GO UP
Is this in addition to the 84k you were down 3 months ago or is this a completely new loss?
It is not illegal if you disclose it. They didn't disclose specific parts of the scheme. That is the problem. Not disclosing that you bought or were paid by a hedge fund too is a no no.
I think you misunderstand the meaning of yolo
Bruh no way haha, Trump about to pull a Bukele shiii
RemindMe! 2 Months
No, why? Italians can't handle hot peppers?
Yo FOMO'D in didn't you![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
This is a pretty interesting way to visualize market draw backs. Assuming the data is accurate of course.
My main instrument is your ^mother 👩🏻
Right. My point was mostly mathematical. Comparing the value of $1000 dollars to a billionaire vs an average working class American. For example a thousand dollars is 0.0001% of a billion. And $100,000 is 0.01% of a billion. Admittedly it’s impossible to make a direct comparison without knowing the exact net worth of the two individuals in question. Though the point remains, $1000 is virtually meaningless to a billionaire. It’d literally be like you or I dropping dime. \n\nIf your annual income was $100,000, It’d take you 2,228,000 years to become as rich as Elon.
Hell yeah brother
no matter how bad my day is, its never this bad.
Makes sense when my friend took his wife and 3 kids and their tickets alone were over $100
I may be an idiot but you're either lying or unwilling to do basic research because you just think people who disagree with you are conspiracy theorists. Income growth inequality and wage stagnation are known entities.\n\n\n- While incomes may be rising, they've not been rising fast enough to keep up with inflation\n- Upper-income households have experienced rapid growth in income in recent decades, while middle-class incomes have not grown at the same rate \n- The median household income in the United States was $67,521 in 2020, a 2.9% decrease from the previous year\n\n\n\n
Are you Italian?
*chipolte* \n\nI’m 100% sure you just spelled it how you normally say it
"Wi-Fi radiation opens up your blood-brain barrier, so all these toxins that are in your body can now go into your brain," - RFK Jr.\n\n![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
Apple 🍎 will do anything but rip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
I know exactly how you feel and how you lose your money is how you'll get it back. Stay strong
The thing is that I am almost certain he is a tool to get around campaign finance laws and shady stuff. He at least knew exactly what FTX was doing with campaign funds and it is likely he is a part of another team that does it. No idea though. So he is likely untouchable until he runs out of liquidity like FTX.
Oh shit when did they do a split?
Ray Dalio is fkg regarded
First time?
yeah fucking this exactly.\n\nAt least this time i opened monthly plays, figuring whatever random bullshit i was buying might lose money in the short term but randomly pop to keep people excited down the road.
I hope Apple gonna rip next week and carry the S&P
They would send some unpleasant people. They could do a whole lot if it wasn't for the law
Fuuuuuuk. I knew I shouldn't have left the jalapeño seeds in there. This must be what bears feel like every day. I wouldn't wish this 💩 on anyone.
Lol, we got massive bowls for pickup yesterday as well. Looks like someone told them to really fill it up!
I know just who can get us out of this mess.\n\nOh, Pouchy!
Brilliant work. Speaking of work, Wendy's?
I have some McDonald's calls. Personally I fucking hate them but with the lines they have for idiots dropping $15 on Big Mac Combos their profits have been skyrocketing
Behind Wendy's dumpster.
What did he do recently for you to say this? (Just out of the loop)
No doubt, but they ain't got shit on españolas
SMCI next week ↗️
Ok, I think the extent of the absurdity here is well described in comments and you seem to be well aware of how bad you messed up. Gotta ask - what was the thought process for the trades and what went wrong?
Rock solid.
Bro. Might as well take a loan and bet on a sports event.
Lol amen bro
Using The Louvre and the Eiffel Tower is better than any stadium
if I say yes. it won't change the losses you're going to take.
take out another 35k loan, buy TLT, VGLT and double your money in 6-18 months. pay off your loans or start doing option again.
Looking for next week’s DEXCOM.
Gonna look for a buying opportunity for calls on monday and sell before earnings then get back in for launch. Wish I got in earlier but if I'd rather get fucked at this point than watch from the bleachers.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | just now\n**Total Comments** | 0 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 11 months | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
How long have you been trading? From your profile, it looks like you've been grinding away with 4-5 figure gains every week so this has probably wiped out at least a chunk of your 2024 gains. If that's the case it's odd you would risk that much hard work on 1 risky gamble given your slow and steady approach.
Congrats, and oh yeah...fuk u
The margins on that has to be as small as my dick dude.
Bruuuh 💀
There'll be at list fiddy more
Inside Out 2 is now the highest grossing animated movie. that's how thirsty people were for a solid normal well written movie. and imo it's not even that amazing. it's good and just what we should expect from Pixar and Disney.
My main instrument is ^^^^deeznutzlmao
![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)I'm long on it, though. Put my cash that I keep out for scalping into it for the weekend instead of letting it sit there, too. What's the worst that can happen?
How do you continuously lose money…
Using margin 😎
Exactly. 16M is a joke.
#Ban Bet Lost\n\n/u/Yoboyjam made a bet that MSFT would go to 460.0 within **1 week** when it was 437.476 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.\n\nTheir record is now 0 wins and 1 losses\n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
Thank you. It's a real knife fight out here
Yeah Coinbase premiums are stupid high..even 100 dollars out of the money are triple digit!
When you think DD stands for Dunkin Donuts.
Sir, this is a Wendy's. Nobody is going to correct you
Anyone have any earnings predictions for next week? I have my eyes on Apple
Not to kick you when you are down but the first step to financial freedom is learning to cut your spending an expenses so you don’t need to think about options and can focus on slower, longer term plays. \n\nCut expenses, declare bankruptcy and regroup.
Jokes aside, HAS a gambling problem. If he doesn't fix it he'll lose his wife/girlfriend/family/house/car/apartment/tent/van down by the river.
Yea no shit, but mind they actually have fire food here so people eat good at home, and cook at home too, their diet is 10 times better than in America haha. I'm in Gran Canaria btw, u should totally come here next time I go to Spain, it's like paradise over here, u get the sun without the heat, plus everything is cheaper by at least 10%
After the /10 split.
I saw yesterday morning Nvidia ripped higher and had a big intra morning move after the cash open markdown if I'm understanding what you mean.
How much cc debt you got
I agree on not gambling your savings on options. I am saying if one day someone can afford it and really want it why not.
Time travel
And OP is the power bottom in this manege-a-trois ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Join the club bud. Discovering options ruined me for years. 😂
Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Thanks for your submission! \n\nTo keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! \n\nSo we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts:\n\n* YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened.\n\n* Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. \n\nWe want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot).\n\nThis is what a great post looks like:\n\n[$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post!\n\nHere are examples of what could get your post removed:\n\n* [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**.\n\n\nHere are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better:\n\n* [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions.\n\n* [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened.\n\n---\n\nAll that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. \n\nIf you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
you might be the best degener of wallstreetbets but in all honesty. Im sorry for your loss bro you should of started on demo. Then did a small account flip just cause you have money does not mean you yolo it.
What’s that
Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Thanks for your submission! \n\nTo keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! \n\nSo we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts:\n\n* YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened.\n\n* Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. \n\nWe want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot).\n\nThis is what a great post looks like:\n\n[$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post!\n\nHere are examples of what could get your post removed:\n\n* [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**.\n\n\nHere are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better:\n\n* [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions.\n\n* [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened.\n\n---\n\nAll that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. \n\nIf you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
There's 4lb of Chicken wings on my plate and it has to move
Male escort
Ray Dalio is a genius and a villain
90 is not happening that would put it back to where it was an earning ago, that would be stupid
Yeah you’re right. Addicts need real help. I’m an addict too and can be very impulsive to anything. That’s why I have someone else manage my trade account(should have mentioned up there).
Lots of attractive women in America too
Now wondering when LODE is going to blast off. Cheap and great upside
If you're young, it may be a value lesson that improves your long-term attitude toward investing.
Great job. I didn't hit your percentage, but it was a good month\n\n
90% up since this post so I guess not
You just have to scale yourself before u shit and after u shit. For me, i find its usually like half a pound of turd
the fuck women you talkin to bro? I don't know any women that don't sound like women. LOL you going to the wrong bars.
That first line is too true. I deal blackjack and have people repeatedly double down on 12s, sometimes against a 10 because the first time they did it they got a 9. But a good 60% of the time they will get a 10 and bust. 30% of the time they will get a 4 or less and still lose. And the remaining 10% is either pushes or wins. I mean it is their money, do what you want...but if other people are there please take them into consideration.
I’ll live with them and have a three way with them for 250k
Gambling at its worst
Did the French 🅱️agguettes not build an Olympic stadium? Why not have the opening ceremony there
Bears were downvote spamming pre market 😂😂 made me remember
when moon when lambo?
Lmao there is a need for more jobs yes. That's why Fed is not overdoing it and trying to keep financial conditions loose.\n\nBut what do you think is the fucking solution? Tightening monetary policy further? Right wing think tank bullshit.
perfect with the personal annual loss write off of $3k you'll enough loss for the next 300 years
Do you actually have yoghurt up your nose?
Thank you!! Please keep it up, I’m learning a lot from you
I do this every time\n\nI take a little money and turn into a lot more money. Then think I'm some kind of genius and open too many positions at once. And then turn that money back into little money
When will they learn to not bet against Apple? They make more money than all gods combined.
By markdown I just mean the price was “intentionally brought down” (used quotes cuz it makes me sounds conspiracy oriented without it lol) to a spot where institutions would like to accumulate shares again for another run back up in anticipation of earnings. Or in anticipation of a rate cut announcement during fomc next week. Or something like that lol. Personally I like amd back to 175 for this round
Could have just put that in an index fund and actually made money 😭. \n\nCan always file bankruptcy. All the rich guys do it.
She really was
Say that again regard. What
It just doesn’t want to slow down. Yeah!
My hotel was right beside a McDonalds. That shit was packed every day - They love McDonalds.\n\nBut it was also nice as F. Much bigger menu. Outside seating with umbrellas and shit.
Maybe he signed it as a name of someone he bitterly hates though 🤔
Wonder how that one guy who said we should short pool at its year low is doing?
I downvoted you my sweet
It's about the aggregate # you dumbass. Not cherry-picking anecdotal evidence.\n\nSurely one company doing something doesn't mean the entire economy is unhealthy.
The fees are exorbitant compared to Kraken
Sooo....we buy?
Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
More like a bus full of lambs
I upvoted you my sweet
Took lots of risk. Not sure it’s worth it. But congrats regard
I've built and automated these charts as part of my own trading and risk management system. This sort of analysis is very easy to do but also very useful for anyone running any book that resemble a BTFD-style strategy. Hint: figure out a mapping for how much dip to buy on the way down (but probably not on the way up).\n\nI saw a bit of panic this week after a few down days but those who have been in the game for more than a few years will know this is just drawdown for ants.\n\nCurrent drawdown: 4.68%\n\nMax drawdown: 55.4%
What is support on SPY right now?
she was incredible
If the only time you trust me on this doesn't work out, then don't worry. \nThere's always Wendy's ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
Do kegels to tighten up your plays
You're an idiot. Average incomes at every decile have soared. Especially the poorest.\n\nBut I bet you hate poor people.
Yes regard, WHICH ONES?
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 weeks ago\n**Total Comments** | 5 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 1 year | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
Yeah exactly
How many of you holding ASTS through the weekend?
Just leave those broadway girls alone
Tell me next week when you got a play. 80% win rate is good
“Transactional freedom is just as important as freedom of expression” -rfk jr
Options you idiot
So you are neither lawyer nor a technical expert, but you know better than both?
ngl Celine Dion killed it in that opening ceremony
Wow Olympics opening was long
Taking a loan out to YOLO on options is regarded regardless of the outcome.
Who among you is the downvoting cockass?
Dame your kinda smart for a boomer
I think this is a typical case of DLR, Dont Look Right
Next month
Meta will be fine. They’ll likely beat top line based on how much Temu and Shien will spend. With all these guys, it’s going to come down to cost control, user growth and guidance. Secretly hoping Snap does well given I’ve seen some big players do well there on DR ( which is interesting )
Same here. At 4.83
This feels like when corporations get away with ordering a factory to dump illegal waste into a river, then when they get caught they go “it was individual bad apples, but they didn’t spoil the bunch somehow.”
It doesn’t matter who wins, you’re both losers
man.\n\nNeed to tighten up my plays.\n\nI don't have the capital to be spreading to cover a bunch of memes and chasing volatility when my high conviction shit usually hits and Id be way up if i just full-ported across like 2 plays instead.
Nah you'll be back happens to best of just gotta learn to protect yourself from yourself better. In 35 yrs of being in market trading etc I have fucked up plenty but always made ot harder to by making it more difficult to gain access to my profits. This is 25% intelligence ability to take risk and 75% mental discipline and protecting yourself from being stupid gready and fearful all human traits.\n\nSounds like you fkd up sit in it...smell it..cry if you want but don't forget it. Be smarter it's the basics. Pay yourself first...good luvk
OF hoes don't count. I'm telling u it's the McDs diet that fucks with their hormones or some shit
Vast majority of them are. This guy's mistake is looking for women in bars with names like Woody's and The White Swallow. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Today was murderously choppy
Market correction... it's been booming for like 18 months man
Yea he is still left with the -230k and forced to sell most anyways or Schwab does it for him. \n\nGiven the 1.1M on the way OP does not have to sell all smci shares and he can keep his options.
That's why you only trade when you're drunk and very confident of your moves
Hell yeah. I’m balls deep in Sep 20 calls.
Using that logic I must be the smartest one here.
Fr, fr. I mentioned the downvoting earlier and everyone piled on me, just recovering now.
They prob bought 3 million in stock
this gave me a chuckle
is this an ableist subreddit? i have three
It isn't. You have Good Faith Violations to deal with. Just get above 25k to do what you want when you want.
I'm Canadian and our women aren't like that, at all. They have less curves, and a third of them are fat... Over here even granny takes care of herself, with makeup, a nice dress and everything
I appreciate that. Will give me something to watch this week.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago\n**Total Comments** | 192 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 3 months | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
Get another loan pussy
My main instrument is spy 0dte![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Get fucked
“I’m too clueless to understand how Crowdstrike works.”\n\nYou should’ve just stopped there
Very regarded of you to invest a loan ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) I have picked many bad investments but never gamble with more than you can afford to lose. And if your picks tank, sometimes it’s better to cut your losses and set stop limits than to lose it all. Learn from it and invest smarter not like a regarded ape.
yep we were up in about 4-5 hours. full production. manufacturing
I would never admit that I can read
That must be why my guns and ammo stocks are pumping again.
start the menstrual cycle tracking thing and youll be rich my brother
Oh my gourd! \n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
r/twochromosomes thinks Kamala win is in the bag\n\nAre they fucking regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
No offense but I'm not sure whats more sad, that fact your life savings only amounted to $30k or that you lost it all gambling
Only absurd amounts of money can give you a Ferrari and let you sleep well. Not the kind of money you get gambling your savings in options.\n\nTo me the goal of money is letting you free of working, anything else is a bonus and you're severely underestimating the maintenance cost (and issues) of a Ferrari.
Bro just recurr buy. for later stages in life and
I don’t even know what to say.
not always
Or sold them…. You can sell to open too
I don’t know about the sellers, but the buyers.\n\nI just talked to my broker…he’s the one that told me, but he said you’d basically have to call them within about 2 hours after market close.
About 9 years now.
bro I think you are delusional lol , did you already open positions ?
I mean I think there’s plenty of losses that have happened using entirely sound logic and factual numbers too but I do appreciate the concern.
I’m going Sunday can’t wait
Didn't that guy hold the whole time and go back to break even
It’s gonna be legendary when trump gives his 2028 Olympic speech
Next, he will short the cigarette in prison ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
They usually aren't obese like 67% of the women in the US so that helps.
Only quitters quit
FAFO 🤣🤣🤣
Shares.. how daring and bold grandma
Lol just because you won’t do it doesn’t mean nobody should. Money can buy time, experiences and a Ferrari. Thinking everyone has to be humble and keep saving their money is stupid.
#Ban Bet Lost\n\n/u/yertifka made a bet that NVDA would go to 140.0 within **1 week** when it was 126.078 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.\n\nTheir record is now 0 wins and 1 losses\n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
are you a musician?
what are American women like? they aren't feminine?
I was in Madrid a few weeks ago. The women were pretty decent looking but they don't got nothing on our OF ho's
As long as those theta gang dicks don’t win!
99% of gamblers quit before they win big.
But there's another villain - good faith violation
Why is everyone on robinhood selling KEY? The hedge funds and insiders are buying and I'm holding for over a year now and making bank 😎
This was IV sedation lol felt like heroin tbh
Have you considered taking out a loan to win it all back? /s
Bro did all that just to make $30
I didnt know options sellers could place a "do not exercise" request. Game changer if you ask me.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago\n**Total Comments** | 3 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 4 months | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
What if the only reason I lose money trading is that I'm overthinking it because I'm actually too smart?\n\n\nYeah that must be it
Ya there cloud business is booming and there snapdragon laptops are selling like crazy and they on the trajectory of beating apples Mac performance in the next 2 years
It's so much better
Don't worry, that money is in good hand since some billionaire needed that 75k extra for their hookers.
Can’t find my rythem and trade anymore
I have never tried cocaine for a reason. I know myself and I’d likely love it. \nI have to same mindset with options trading. \n\nStart over and hopefully you’re young 🙃
Reliable polls haven't had enough time to accurately forecast. The only poll results (in either direction) are from biased sources and shouldn't be trusted. There is little regulation regarding using "polling results" in campaigns to try and grow grassroots support. Old-school astroturf technique
Why are European women so much more attractive? I'm in Spain right now and holyfuck, it's like they put something in their water cuz they actually look like women, and talk like women too, like their voices are higher pitched n shit\n\nSome of my bigger gains, I have other smaller ones
PayPal $65 call
Palo sucks. if anything, S1 is their main competition and they have been getting more expensive than CrowdStrike. Crowdstrike is still the best except for maybe false positives.
16 here
This looks like a newbie question or a really vague question about a ticker. Try lurking a bit or asking the Daily Thread.\n\n^I ^am ^an ^LLM-powered ^bot. ^Please ^contact ^the ^moderators ^with ^concerns.
Borrowing money towards an investment only makes sense to me if:\nA. You can afford a total loss of your investment and what you borrowed (you prefer playing with the banks money)\nB. It's a very safe investment that I can closely monitor. \n\nSitting on that 35 might have not made you anything,but it sounds a fuck of a lot better than being down 45k with your initial investment gone.
Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Thanks for your submission! \n\nTo keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! \n\nSo we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts:\n\n* YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened.\n\n* Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. \n\nWe want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot).\n\nThis is what a great post looks like:\n\n[$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post!\n\nHere are examples of what could get your post removed:\n\n* [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**.\n\n\nHere are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better:\n\n* [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions.\n\n* [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened.\n\n---\n\nAll that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. \n\nIf you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
simply make a 10x day trade that puts you above $25k
Im sure you could lose more if you tried
Heard a tiktok today of a Reddit post about seeing a 20yo blinged out. Saying he’s balling using the bloom app. Downloaded the app. TY for this post to remind me to be humble.
Might as well take out a loan and see what you can do!
On the bright side, you can claim capital losses on your taxes for the next 20+ years ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
”I had such a good trading day!! I broke even for the month!!!”![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Thanks for your submission! \n\nTo keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! \n\nSo we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts:\n\n* YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened.\n\n* Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. \n\nWe want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot).\n\nThis is what a great post looks like:\n\n[$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post!\n\nHere are examples of what could get your post removed:\n\n* [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**.\n\n\nHere are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better:\n\n* [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions.\n\n* [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened.\n\n---\n\nAll that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. \n\nIf you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
Watched it last night. It was really good.
I fomo'd in at $4.83 after reading someone's post on here awhile back.
Corn conference, so fucking bullish
One of us
yeah recently been setting stop losses after i bought a contract that went 60% down
It’s still a lot.\n\nI asked you because in the US it’s life changing money, but in another country it could be generational wealth.
$1,000 in 2030
What’s the play for next week?
You should try being good at this
God 30 left at work then 495 is getting the shit squatted outta it
On Monday Huang and Zuck will oil each other at a conference.
Hit every one except GOOG calls, bravo
Thanks for that little spew of words consider them disregarded
Absolutely. \n\n\n#PDT has no power here!
No, admit you only read their misleading, clickbaity, fake news headline
I’m also at 500 😔 from 2200 to 400, we slowly make the right plays back… or gamble it all away ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Hope you are okay, you did a stupid thing. Don’t let it end you. Learn and live my friend. \n\nOptions plays are lottery tickets, stick to investing in stocks. Maybe even not that, use ETF’s and let it grow.
I hope you’re never allowed to borrow another penny. Stinky degenerate. You have no place here
Fuckin eh man, good luck
no they didn't. the update was rolled back and plenty of people were flying before 6am est. Delta was the largest one that for whatever reason still had issues.
More bad news on their whale tale line  of Breezethrough
Future $500 stock no joke.
This looks like a newbie question or a really vague question about a ticker. Try lurking a bit or asking the Daily Thread.\n\n^I ^am ^an ^LLM-powered ^bot. ^Please ^contact ^the ^moderators ^with ^concerns.
You can make candy 🍭 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)
Using debt to buy options (aka gamble)?!?! Cmon man...
If it wasn't for the law, there'd be little they could do at all, lol
Poop pipeline
Who reads WSJ?
Your 0.78% gain is higher than my whole protofolio ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Jesus Christ some people deserve to be broke
I live in the Nashville burbs - thinking about going out to see what the crypto bros are up to
I threw EVERYTHING in when crypto dipped the other day. Buy when others are scared, right? RIGHT?! This is the way. Someday when I have more capital I'll move into stocks.
you’re very welcome. just sharing what’s worked for me 🙂
Probably good to note that there are early signs of macroeconomic slowdown.\n\nThis is also anecdotal, but Prime day only grew~2% yoy (1P retails was -15%)
it's like nobody remembers Equifax losing 50% of Americas information.
I just wanted the upvotes
Your story just kept me entertained. Very interesting.
What were the options plays?
Had a prep cook job in high school that included deveining shrimp that was pretty gross 🤢
🅱️ig Sausage pizza delivery! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)🍕
Thank you! \nWent to shits bro, that’s what happened
I guess. But I know a lot of people making 7 figures and none of them are the gambling type. People actually working for a million dollars are busting their balls and know the value of a dollar. They're generally tightwads. But there's obviously plenty of trust fund kids, c-suite execs, etc that don't do tits and can do whatever they want.
Artificial irrelevance?
If Equifax loses half of American's social security numbers to be sold on the dark web and are still in business, nothing is going to happen with CrowdStrike.
If you want the shares, you’ll want to exercise every ITM call you can afford. I’m long ASTS — been DCA-ing shares for three years so this has never been a short-term trade for me. I will be exercising my leaps, many of which are at low strikes ($2.5, $3, $4).\n\nFWIW i have some of those $10C 01/2026 too — if we continue to de-risk and nail every milestone in 2025, I’ll likely exercise those as well.
We dont do that here sir. Facts and logic isnt the true way
fuck tits, now i need to close these exact positions
Harambe got fucked less than you did hahaha.
But you can’t make a cocktail with a roach
I should have switched to a cash account ages ago, like a cheat code bro.
Thanks for that little spew of words consider them disregarded
The ADR just listed on US exchanges, and it looks like the foreign OTC parent is getting shorted to shit
!Banbet GOBGLIZZY will gobble 20 Glizzys this weekend!
It’s nice to not be stuck with margin day trading BS but I don’t wanna wait for my cash to settle either…I guess it’s for the better I probably would had revenge traded to zero today if I had the opportunity ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
I didn’t say market makers I said MM’s. The candy fool
Can you read? Trump leads 49-47 it says ❤️
Op must own HIMS and buying these blue chew ads
for fucks sake dude
Sell your wife to your wife's boyfriend, a saudi arabian stud with connections in the oil and cologne trade.
Lol yeah it’s the MaRkEt MaKeR Fault you lose money
You right
I applause your openness. I am also down 30k this year.
Playing options with loaned out money? 🤔\nHope you learned lessons
Why would you even acknowledge this it's just a bunch of dumb tiktokers
Yes. Once it breaks resistance it becomes support. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
🍤are the cockroaches 🪳 of the 🌊
Even the image flat lined
I'd like to start swing trading. 2 trades a week, something like that. Find high conviction trades. \n\nHow long have you been day trading?
> Is she interested in you or your portfolio?\n\nAww, bless your heart.
See you next week here.
I had such a Good Friday last week making all my monthly losses back. This Friday I am down for the year and almost out of money and in horrific credit card debt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) take me back to last Friday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Calls on laughing gas!
That’s called the resistance, please for the love of all things. Holy tell me you know what support and resistance means.
Stuey Ungar - regarded as one of the greatest poker players of all time - won almost $4m (in the 70s/80s/90s) in tournament play alone. \n\nHe died at 45, a literal crackhead; alone in a shitty hotel room in one of the worst parts of town with only $800 to his name.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago\n**Total Comments** | 999 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 4 years | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
*Rule #3254 - Never say "covid" in the daily*\n\n##______✍️
I've already made my money with puts. Got a couple more for next week but really low amount.
this is how you use FB instead of getting used
There's a post like this every year, and every year I am impressed by how regarded some people are. Congrats OP
This, it's pretty awful. Plus my teenage kids say Facebook is only for old people. It will die as their users drop off.
You fucking degen hope it was worth the karma
Fintech gonna rip the next 2 weeks going into Hood earnings
This stock will be north of $50 in 2025 once they start to give revenue guidance for block two.
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 4 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago\n**Total Comments** | 17 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 3 years | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
Women on a Friday night: hair in a towel watching Sex in the City with a glass of wine under a fuzzy blanket \n\nMen on Friday night: there is 315 pounds of iron on the floor, and brother, it has to **move.**
Some dude posted it here about a month ago and that's when I opened my positions, There's been also multiple DD. \nThis one is the best:\n\nHere you can play with predictions.\n\n\nr/ASTSpacemobile is a great source of information
I have no idea. I am trying to figure out what to do with these contracts in order to maximize my gains.
Happens all the time (-Simpsons)
What do you even need a Ferrari for?\n\nGetting more things to worry about and insanely increase the risk of getting robbed or carjacked?\n\nChasing money is stupid, money should buy time and experiences.
Snap out of it man
“It works because enough of us believe it does.”\n\nThis sort of tech analysis is just religion baked with placebo. Technical analysis that is real and rooted in more than self fulfilling prophecy is not going to be anything any book tells you about. The house doesn’t benefit from sharing its edge.\n\nThe next ideology that typically follows is “this worked until it didn’t” \n\nGood luck and what not.
Unfortunately, I have been physically assaulted. Patients don’t really try to hit us that often, even the ones who are extremely upset… \n\nUsually I can predict which ones might be on that level and we’ll just have security and staff hold them down to sedate/restrain them or remove them from the ER or get them arrested. \n\nHowever, the one time I did get actually punched in the face it was by a patient that I totally didn’t expect to suddenly change character and flip on me. Otherwise, I keep my distance or would just walk out of the room. \n\nLuckily I didn’t get punched very hard to cause me any damage, but being punched in the face by patients (who you’re there to help) is just never fun. It isn’t what we signed up for.
Money Due:\n\n
\n**User Report**| | | |\n:--|:--|:--|:--\n**Total Submissions** | 6 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago\n**Total Comments** | 22 | **Previous Best DD** | \n**Account Age** | 3 years | | \n\n[**Join WSB Discord**](
Yeah what did you play?
because it's turning into tiktok
I think I saw a million dollar Nvidia shares long trade too today.
It only took the stock going from $2 to $19 in 3 months for WSB to finally take AST seriously. Classic.
I've been trying to go bearish with the trend over the last few weeks. Buying more puts than I have before. Seems easier to watch my stocks go down if I'm also making money while it happens. \n\nBut this isn't a life I want to live. It's a sad and unenthusiastic life. A life with rainbows and Winnie the Poohs... I'm not the man I want to be.
Given that we haven't met yet I would say portfolio
MSFT calls?
It’s not delivery, it’s 🅱️igiorno 👏😪🍕
Chipotle CEO gaslighting the public like Boeing.
!remind me one week
Lmao so I sold my MSFT calls at the perfect time. Love that for me
I don't see a mark down. \n\nS&P doesn't have a red bar on the weekly (very tiny amount of red for this week's close). We are still forming a top or haven't topped yet. \n\nGenerally speaking. Idk what's going on in the ai/chip market. Honestly ignorant about it. I'm just bearish 1000% gaining Nvidia.
Mostly mistakes involving a certain burrito company and nuclear energy
How will SPY on Wednesday be with MSFT and AMD's earnings playing into the morning and then Jpow talking at 2pm EST 🤔
Polls are bs
You’re about 6 months late lol
Tesla bears went from behind Wendy’s to owning a franchise. The power of the market
perfect for my exam
“Sleep will be hard in the months to come” is insane
Trading wise lately that’s more or less true ngl
Late next week
The surprise was *really big*, bigger than his